K-6 New Curriculum

Welcome back to the 2022-2023 school year with Livingstone Range School Division. We are so excited to have your child/children embark and continue on their learning journey with us. We are committed to our vision of “Every student, every day” and to our Student Success Plan 2021-2024 to ensure that all students have opportunities to succeed.
New Curriculum Update
In Alberta, Curriculum or Programs of Study are determined by Alberta Education. It identifies what students are expected to learn and do in all subjects from Kindergarten to Grade 12. You can find the new K–6 Curriculum and the current Grade 7–12 Programs of Study on the Alberta Education website.
Alberta Education released its new K-3 curriculum in English Language Arts and Literature, Mathematics, and K-6 Physical Education and Wellness on April 13, 2022 and will be used in all classrooms across Alberta beginning in fall 2022. Additional curriculum will be implemented and/or piloted in 2022-23. Please visit the government of Alberta’s K to 6 curriculum renewal for more information.
English Language Arts and Literature - Grades K-3
The new Alberta curriculum for English Language Arts and Literature (ELAL) is being implemented in Kindergarten to Grade 3 this year. This new curriculum includes an emphasis on the key foundations of literacy and communication and ties closely to the provincially mandated Grades 1-3 Literacy Screening Assessments for students in Grades 1-3. These screens provide teachers with information on your student’s reading development in order to target any gaps that may exist in at-risk readers.
The new Alberta curriculum for Mathematics is being implemented in Kindergarten to Grade 3 this year. This new curriculum includes a larger focus on spatial reasoning that is provided at earlier grades to help students understand number and geometry concepts at a younger age. Students are expected to learn, recall, and apply number facts so they can add, subtract, multiply, and divide more efficiently in various situations. Students work with money concepts in mathematics to support financial literacy skills learned in physical education and wellness.
Physical Education and Wellness - Grades K-6
The new Physical Education and Wellness (PEW) curriculum is being implemented in Kindergarten to Grade 6 this year. This curriculum replaces the Physical Education and Health curriculums along with a new focus on Financial Literacy. PEW continues to focus on all parts of student health and wellness. Through the Education Act, parents have always been able to include or exempt their child from sensitive content and will continue to exercise that right with the new curriculum.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are teachers ready to teach this new curriculum?
Implementing new curriculum is an exciting opportunity and an important part of teaching practice. LRSD teachers will be well supported with professional learning opportunities throughout the upcoming school year.
Will there be gaps in my child’s learning from content or material being moved from one grade to another?
Regardless of the curriculum being taught, teachers continuously work to meet each student where they are at in their learning. While curriculum is grade-specific, many concepts are revisited each year, giving students ample opportunity to build on their previous knowledge or be introduced to new material.
How much is different? What is the same?
While the curriculum is new, a significant amount of the content has been carried over from the previous Alberta Programs of Study. We’ve outlined some of the key changes above.
Will LRSD be buying all new library books/resources/etc.? Do you have funding for this or will parents/guardians need to fundraise for these new resources?
Teachers will continue to use existing resources where they align with the new curriculum. Alberta Education has provided school districts with some funding to purchase new resources where required. Additional financial support from school councils may be considered to enhance the resources available to support student learning.
Is there too much to cover in the new curriculum? Will there still be time to play/be creative/take breaks?
Teachers work to plan the delivery of curriculum content in ways that are engaging, creative, and inspiring for students. Personalizing learning to ensure that every student has the opportunity to succeed to the best of their ability continues to be important work for all LRSD schools.
Will support for children with special needs change?
No, support for students with documented needs (like an ISP) will not change as a result of the new curriculum.
Will report cards change?
While report cards will reflect the new outcomes, the format will stay the same.
Will Grade 6 Students participate in Provincial Achievement Tests (PATs)?
For the 2022-23 school year, students participating in the small-scale implementation of Grade 6 ELAL and Math, and the Grade 6 Science pilot, will not be writing PAT exams for those subjects.
Throughout the year, you will be encouraged to attend celebrations of learning, parent-teacher conferences, meetings and discussions with your child’s teacher, and events at your child’s school. These events help demonstrate what your child is doing at school and start conversations about their learning.
Alberta Education has developed a series of resources for parents on their website, curriculum.learnalberta.ca. We encourage you to explore these resources and learn more about the content and structure of the new curriculum.
If you have specific questions about your child’s curriculum and progress, please speak to your teacher or school administrator. As staff, parents, and students work in collaboration we can ensure a successful 2022-2023 school year.