Every student, every day.

Hockey Programming

A.B. Daley Community School’s Hockey Programming helps students build lifelong skills.

2025-2026 Hockey Programming Flyer

Beginning in the 2025-2026 school year, students in Grade 1-6 can opt in to the A.B. Daley Hockey Programming. This replaces regular PE classes for the entire year. Non-hockey students will have an active living PE class.

  • All levels welcome
  • No cost to students
  • Transportation to/from arena provided by the school
  • Ice time provided by the Town of Nanton
  • We can help families find skates, helmets, & equipment

Students receive 120 minutes per week of training with experienced instructors. This includes:

  • Ice Training
    • Skating (forward, backward, edge control, quick starts, tight turns, pivoting)
    • Stick handling (dribbling, puck control and protection, dekes, receiving passes)
    • Shooting (wrist shot, snap shot, wrap around shot)
    • Passing (forehand and backhand)
  • Dryland Training
    • Outdoor fitness
    • Stretching and yoga
    • Cardio conditioning
    • Balance & coordination
    • Skill development in other sports (ie:  lacrosse, badminton, golf)

Players who sign up for this program must be willing to participate in all areas of the program.

Why choose hockey programming?

  1. Holistic development: physical health and fitness, mental well-being, social and communication skills.
  2. Character building: develop discipline, perseverance, respect, integrity, and leadership.
  3. Personal growth and goal setting: persistent work toward achievement and self-improvement.


Players will require the following equipment:

  • Helmet with full cage
  • Hockey skates
  • Stick
  • Shoulder pads
  • Shin guards
  • Hockey gloves
  • Neck guard

We are happy to help families get the needed equipment to ensure all students who want to play can!


Register now for the 2025-2026 school year hockey programming.