Christmas at A.B. Daley

Hey everybody! We have great things happening at A.B. Daley as we approach the holiday season. All our students and staff have been busy practicing for our Christmas concert on December 21 @ 2:00 pm. We hope you will be able to join us as we sing, strum, boom-whack, and drum our way to a festive holiday.
All our students have the opportunity to participate in the Senior Secret Santa program, through the Nanton Quality of Life Foundation. This program provides necessary items to Seniors in our community, and provides joy through the holidays. Such a great way to provide a little holiday cheer!! Sweet Queen has generously agreed to donate pizzas to the classroom who collects the most items. Click here to see a list of suggestions.
As always, we are happy to collect donations of non-perishable food items for the Nanton Food Bank. We will have boxes in the lobby for any donations.